Wednesday, January 4, 2017

FrranchisInsider Candy Spill #15: Burgers!


Yup. Burgers. Fast-Food and Otherwise.

Just One More Franchise Opportunity
(that you probably didn't know you could own) 

Burger places have been a fast food staple for decades (and no, McDonald's was NOT the first)  Why? Because everyone loves picking up a simple burger and not having to cook or clean up. And everyone loves the grease, the juice, the flames, the fries, the drive thru-.... it's just an inner need that Americans have to get a meal fast and easy from someone else! 
sarcasm... ya have to love it. 
But in all seriousness, burgers and fast food ARE a staple of American good eats. Sure, McDonald's and Wendy's are here to stay even if they are struggling to get their menu more healthy. But the fun news is that the new burger places are already healthy and many of them are build-a-burger-friendly, meaning you can get a variety of healthy meats, toppings and sides so the health-factor soars with these kinds of brands and draws a bigger crowd. so while McD is dealing with playground issues (ewww), your place is dealing out healthy, fresh burgers in a great atmosphere and modern amenities.

If you like the combination of burgers and fast food (or even semi-fast food) you'll like the profit margins of these kinds of models. Build out is high because of the need for a hood in the kitchen, but  the public is willing to pay high dollar for a healthy burger. Worried about the big-name competition? Don't be. Not only is there always room for one more, but much of the public actually prefers and looks for the up-and-coming burger place. Remember when 5-Guys was brand new? That's what you would be investing in - a new way to do fast food. There's tons of opportunity for creativity. And, there's plenty of room for YOU! Most of these models have a semi-absentee aspect to them once they are built out, up and running. Hire a great day-to-day manager and expand with your second in a few months. Why not?

It's not rocket science to own your own business. It's just different from the masses. A great business isn't for everyone, but it might be for you...

contact me to learn more or to explore any of the other Candy Spills on this blog.

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