Tuesday, December 13, 2016

FranchiseInsider Candy Spill #12: Kids Sports!



Children's Sports Activities

Just One More Franchise Opportunity
(that you probably didn't know you could own)

Everything is about our kids- always. So I know you aren't surprised when you hear that kid's sports is a booming, multi million dollar industry. From Martial Arts to Soccer, from jumping on trampolines to skydiving, kids want to be involved in movement of all kinds, and parents support it all and love to see their children learning new physical skills.   Some sports franchises are part of local and national competitions (yes, trophies are involved) and some sports franchises have memberships for the parents to be involved as well, so they can learn alongside their son or daughter, and share in the thrills and spills. Either way, children's sports are family friendly. They are here to stay and are only growing. What are the benefits for children? Self-discipline, learning good sportsmanship, fair play, physical acumen, balance, confidence, respect for authority, better grades (yup-it happens), and fun!
As the executive owner of any of these models you don't need to be a professional athlete to own a children's sports franchise, but you do have to love kids and get along well with their parents. This is not for those individuals who would rather stay in the back room and work on the books. You must be outgoing, positive, energetic and you must be able to BE the brand. Don't worry, you'll be trained on how to run the business, what kinds of employee hires to bring on staff, and if the brand is a semi-absentee model, how to choose a general manager for your franchise. Your job will be to market, network, create events, and build the brand in  your community. Owning a children's sports franchise is rewarding, challenging and serves the community's children and parents in a uniquely supportive way. You are building character, courage, problem solving skills and respect for their elders & authority in these children, along with sportsmanship (we all have seen how important it is to be a gracious winner and a gracious loser- sports and the coaches/trainers who interact with our children are  the best at exemplifying how to be "good sports")! 
Fun? you bet it's fun! The hours are when children are available, so, after school and Saturdays. Be prepared to throw birthday parties and plan Summer Camp Programs, as these are large-dollar revenue streams for children's sports franchises. But be forewarned: just because you loved baseball as a kid, or you were once on a semi-pro team, it doesn't mean this is the right fit for you...you need to understand that the parents and the children will always come first! 
Play ball! 

It's not rocket science to own your own business. It's just different from the masses. A great business isn't for everyone, but it might be for you...

contact me to learn more or to explore any of the other Candy Spills on this blog.

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