Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Franchise Insider #28:Niche and Boutique Gyms

Franchise Insider  #28

Niche and Boutique Gyms

Just One More Franchise Opportunity
(that you probably didn't know you could own) 

OK. These are all the rage. Cycling, Yoga, Pilates, One-on-One Personal coaching, Boxing, High-Intensity-Interval-Training.... Pick your favorite and you can have a thriving business in it. 
The Big Box crushed the little work-out gyms of their day. The 24-hour aspect, the shopping mall feel. But now, the healthy people who work out are actually choosing to use several smaller specialized and boutique gyms to satisfy their exercise needs. Why? They like the personal treatment, the professional classes, and all the perks that come with the boutique-style work out. 

Owning a boutique or specialized gym is lots of fun. You help people get healthy, you see their results, you get to work out, too! The job of the owner is to market effectively to bring in the clients, of course. But the marketing strategy for boutique and specialized gyms is different today that it was in Jack Lelains' day ( if you don't remember him, Google him, the first and greatest exercise nut of all time!) You'll be raising funds for charities, networking with corporation leaders, speaking to not only your niche market, but those who are just curious as well.  Boutique and Niche are very different from the big box One-size-fits-all mentality and you'll have fun sharing your vision with your community.

It's not rocket science to own your own business. It's just different from the masses. A great business isn't for everyone, but it might be for you...

contact me to learn more or to explore any of the other options.

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