Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Franchise Candy Spill #9: Specialty Foods!



Specialty Foods

Another franchise opportunity
(that you probably didn't know you could own)

Everyone knows about this category: ice cream, frozen yogurt, hot dogs, nuts, smoothies, pretzels, fries, coffee, you name it. Wherever there are people, there needs to be great food. But did you know that depending on the type of specialty food you specialize in,  you can choose from a brick and mortar stand-alone to a kiosk to a food truck to mobile cart? That's right. You choose how big you want to go. You choose how quickly you want to scale up to more than one unit. ( you could eventually end up with 20 food carts bringing in $50 every ten minutes. Think about that for a second...$$$$$$, ka-ching....
You choose how many moving parts you want to deal with (a brick and mortar stand-alone has a lot more moving parts than a cart). The fun in specialty food is that you sell one kind of food, and that particular food is hot, hot, hot in terms of popularity. With mobile specialty food you can choose what events to attend: football, concerts, school events, fairs, conventions. You are as busy as you like and can close up shop whenever you want to take some time off. (or hire someone to cover for you)

As the executive owner your job is to keep the wheels turning. Hire employees,  manage the supplies, marketing, host events, sponsor teams, get exposure and bring people to your place of business. Make our specialty food business fun, exciting and the hottest thing in town. This is a fabulous way to participate in your community, host charity events and bring people together. 


It's not rocket science to own your own business. It's just different from the masses. A great business isn't for everyone, but it might be for you...

contact me to learn more or to explore any of the other Candy Spills on this blog.

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