Tuesday, April 11, 2017

FranchiseInsider #25: RETAIL

Franchise Insider    #25


Just One More Franchise Opportunity
(that you probably didn't know you could own) 

Contrary to what you've heard, retail opportunities are NOT dead. Not if you invest in the right retail opportunity, that is. 

While it's true that Amazon is eating up retail opportunities like PacMan, there are still some safe-havens for the retail platform. One just has to know which products are PacMan...er...Amazon resistant. Most retail opportunities that have staying power are the ones that require a hands-on experience, or expertise in consulting before purchasing. Some products are simply not "online freindly", and most service industries require retail hours to be successful. Used clothing, or re-purposing clothing is such an industry. Health products and services like massages, beauty services are retail hour dependent. While inventory is part of the retail experience,the concept has changed dramatically. Many retail franchises have moved to the  'sample-then-order' model, where the store is an experience in service and the product is special ordered for the customer. Low inventory, specific inventory,  coupled with extraordinary personal attention is becoming the way retail thrives. Sure, there will always be the 'dollar store' experience, but there are lots of people who still want the high-end service for high-end products experience. 

Owning a retail franchise is often a semi-absentee ownership opportunity, which means you will be hiring a manager to manage the store, and will be paying a few employees F/T salaries and  several employees P/T hourly wages.

Your biggest asset, after choosing the product you provide will be the service you offer. You are creating experience, now, more than inventory.

It's not rocket science to own your own business. It's just different from the masses. A great business isn't for everyone, but it might be for you...

contact me to learn more or to explore any of the other opportunities

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